White paper

“humanoid kittens.”
Kitten-like life forms with big brains that walk on two legs, have a language, and have created a highly civilized society.
The inspiration for this story was a cat that is always at our work.
He stands up on his hind legs as if he is about to walk away and thinks like a philosopher.
We built a grand parallel world in our minds.
And the masters of that world are 10,000 “humanoid kittens.”


The “humanoid kittens” will be released as a collection of 10,000 characters.
In addition to the traditional NFT characteristics of collectibility, investment, community, rarity, and social contribution, we want the project to be characterized by holder profit and participation in governance.
The holder and we are one team.



“humanoid kittens” are created in full 3D body form to function as avatars.
They are depicted as our alter egos in the form of kittens, and we value the importance of making people of all races, genders, occupations, ages, etc., feel like saying, “This is who I am.” as their PFP or avatar.



“humanoid kittens” is a generative NFT carefully generated in 13 groups of 80+ bodies and parts and 620+ items to achieve unique art.
Through repeated prototyping and careful programming, we aim for perfection in preparation for release.
The blockchain is planned to be Ethereum.



The release is undecided, and we will consider it together with the update of the white paper.
Regarding the development after the release, we are still in the planning stage, but please let me talk about it on another page.
Go to Roadmap



“humanoid kittens” is a project started by three Japanese people.
Takeshi Wada / Technical
He is responsible for the complex generation of the NFT, as well as managing the Discord and cleaning the toilets of the four cats.
Marie Nishiwaki / Creative
Creates the world of NFT, character design, and 3D. She says, “I'm the best.”
Nobuki Kimishima / Music
A composer who was dragged into Marie. He is not afraid to take on seemingly impossible tasks. He may be a genius.



As mentioned in the overview, we want this project to explore new possibilities for NFT, and we have several ideas to expand the utility and range of uses for NFT.
For example, we would like to return profits from digital and physical products using the humanoid kitten characters to the holders.
In addition, licensing to holders and cooperation for commercialization are also planned.
These plans are included in the roadmap.



We have a community on Discord. Please join us.
After the release of the NFT, we plan to create a channel for holders only.
We are also considering plans to encourage interaction between holders.



Management will be responsible for managing the project, but we would like to allow the holders to participate in governance.
We would like to conduct surveys and polls to ensure that the management of the project is mutually satisfactory.
The governing law will be Japanese law.
We will update the details as needed.



As part of the social contribution activities of "humanoid kittens", we are considering making an angel investment in a Web3 project in a developing country.
We will decide on the implementation and other details together with the holders.


This white paper will be updated and revised
as the project progresses.